Kashmir Great Lakes Trek



₹17,500/- Ex Srinagar
+ 5% GST

Pick Up Point: Srinagar
Payment Mode: Cash, UPI, Bank Transfer

Trek Info

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About Kashmir Great Lake Trek

Region: Kashmir
Trek Duration: 08 Days
Trek Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult
Max Altitude: 13,750 km Ft.
Approx Trekking Km: 72 Kms.
Best time to do: September

Imagine a place so breathtaking that it feels like a dream come true. Kashmir, often hailed as Heaven on Earth, boasts destinations that transcend the realms of imagination. The Kashmir Great Lake Trek stands as a testament to this natural marvel, an experience that captivates all who venture into its embrace.

With a trek difficulty ranging from moderate to difficult, this trek reaches a maximum altitude of 13,750 km, immersing trekkers in a serene environment. Covering a distance of approximately 72 km over 8-9 days, the journey is an exploration of nature’s wonders and a tapestry of unforgettable memories. The trek challenges both physical and mental endurance, fostering strength and resilience in every trekker.

As you traverse the landscape, expect to encounter diverse flora and fauna, creating a paradise-like atmosphere. Despite the challenges, the journey is a love affair with the surroundings, featuring meadows, snow-covered mountains, glaciers, passes, rocky and barren lands, natural water streams, small villages, traditional localities, and charming old dhabas. Every expectation is met along this immersive trek.

For a successful journey, essential preparation is key. Trekkers should be physically and mentally fit, practicing exercises beforehand to enhance endurance. The trek promises to be a holistic experience, offering not only physical challenges but also mental and emotional growth.

For those concerned about logistics, worry not! A comprehensive and economical Kashmir Great Lake Trek Package is available, ensuring that every detail is taken care of. So, pack your bags, prepare yourself for this beautiful adventure, and get ready to embark on the Kashmir Great Lake Trek, where dreams become reality.

The Kashmir Great Lakes hike has gained popularity and is now probably the most desirable
monsoon hike in the Indian Himalayas. During this 8-day trek covering a distance of 72
km, Kashmir- “Heaven on earth” is really unfolding.
Between July and September, hikers can start on the Kashmir Great Lakes Trip. The reason
for this during the other months, Kashmir is covered with snow due to intense
weather condition.
The month of July to September is considered peak summer months as they shift to autumn.
One of the factors that Kashmir is so attractive during these months. Over the course of 3 months, the flowers and environment you see can transform as
Kashmir begins to greet autumn. While the rest of the country includes many routes in
Uttarakhand like the ‘valley of flowers” is enduring the rainy season, but in Kashmir, it is
an exception. The monsoons are hindered by the PIR PANJAL hill which separates Kashmir
from the rest of the Indian subcontinent.
Kashmir is free of monsoons, so the Kashmir Great Lakes trek is India’s leading Himalayan
monsoon trek is one of the best Indian monsoon trek.

  • Enjoy bonding with the local guides, who have a plethora of stories to tell about how Kashmir was dominated by Buddhists, Hindus, and eventually Mughals in the centuries leading up to its current Mughal dominance.

    The view you get along the journey is one of the reasons to undertake the Kashmir Great Lakes, even though the drop from Gangbal to Naranag appears to be an endless walk. I’ve never met such aromatic pine tree woodlands on any of my previous excursions.


    The Vishansar and Kishansar Lakes may be seen on the left side of the Gadsar Pass, and three of the Gadsar Lakes can be seen on the right. The sight of wildflowers against a backdrop of snow-covered mountains is stunning, but that’s not all. On the way to the Satsar campsite, many of these little lakes can be found.

Day 1: Arrive at Sonamarg

• Altitude: 2500m/7900 ft
• 90 km drive from Shrinagar, approx 3 hours.
• Our campsite is near the Sindh river (Shitkadi Village).
• Since there are no shops around ensure that you have all that you need already.
• Remember to carry your ID proof in original and 2 photocopies as we have to submit them at the army check post. Depart to Sonamarg in the afternoon. It is 3 hrs drive from Srinagar.

Day 2: Sonamarg to Nichnai 

• Altitude: 3,800m/ 11,600 ft
• 12 km trek, approx 8.5 hours
• Altitude Gain:- 1,200m/3,600ft
• After breakfast we trek to Nichnai via Shekdur.
• The trail takes you through meadows, and dense forests with Maple, Pine, and Bhoj trees.
• After approx half an hour, we get to an army check post where we have to submit our ID proofs.
• While you are at it, you can enjoy an awesome view of the Sonmarg Valley or the Thajiwas Glacier.
• The trek from Shitkadi to Shekdur goes through thick forests of pine trees and will take approx 2 and a half hours.
• At Shekdur, you can indulge in instant noodles and an omelet if you wish to
• We follow the Nichnai Stream as we trek from Shekdur to Nichnai.
• We have lunch at the Nichnai stream, after Shekdur.

Day 3: Nichnai To Vishansar Lake

• Trek from Nichnai to Nichnai Pass is approx 1 and a half hours ascent.
• At the top of Nichnai Pass you can get the B.S.NL network, which is the last point under the mobile coverage area.
• From Nichnai pass to Vishansar there is a descent.
• At Vishansar campsite, lunch will be offered.
• We can visit Vishansar Lake which is just 15 minutes walk from the campsite
• The first lake of the trek and one of the most beautiful ones.

Day 4: Acclimatization + Rest Day. (Condition Apply)

• You may visit Kishansar Lake, which is at approx 1 and a half kms from our campsite.

Day 5: Vishansar lake to Gadsar

• Altitude:3,650m/ 12,000ft via 4,200m/13,750ft
• 15 km trek, approx 11 hours. We start the trek earlier than usual.
• The trail passes from Vishansar to Gadsar, via Gadsar pass the highest point of the trek.
• From Vishansar, the trail takes a steep ascent to Gadsar Pass. We can see the Kishansar Lake on the way.
• From the Gadsar pass to the camp site, we descend gradually.
• We can spot the Gadsar lake en route.
• You might also spot the Glacier of Gadsar Lake.
• After the Gadsar lake, we will reach the campsite in 2 hours.
• Just a few minutes before our campsite, we will have another army checkpoint and we will have to share our ID proofs with them.
• Pack lunch will be provided

Day 6: Gadsar to Satsar

• 9 km trek, approx 6 hours trek
• Mid-July to mid-August, the trail is laden with vibrant flowers. We need to share our IDs at another army check post en route.
• Moving on, we see two small lakes which are often mistaken as Satsar Lakes.
• We will visit the Satsar twin lakes, in the afternoon, which are approx 1.5 hr
• Stasar twin lakes are also known as Mengen Top. Those twin lakes are in the middle of the mountain.

Day 7: Satsar to Gangabal twin lakes

11 km trek, approx 6 hours
• We walk on rocky paths for approx an hour and ascend to Jazz Pass. At the pass, you can enjoy views of the 4 lakes, Mt. Harmukh and its glacier
• From the pass we descend to the Gangbal Lake and camp at Nandkol Lake.
• We visit the Gangbal Lake, which is one of the largest lakes in the trek.
• Post dinner, a team of Kashmiri staff will perform their traditional songs and dance.

Day 8: Gangabal to Naranag

•15 km trek, approx 7 hours,
• The trail is a descent till the last point of the trek – Naranag, so take care of your knees and ankles.
• The trail will pass through pine tree forests.
• On advance booking, Secure Travels can arrange transport to Srinagar at a charge.
• After the 70 km drive, you will reach Srinagar by 6:30 pm

Day 1: Arrive at Sonamarg

 Depart to Sonamarg in the afternoon. After a 90 km drive from Shrinagar, approx 3 hours we reach Sindhi river where our campsite. Since there are no shops around ensure that you have all that you need already.

Day 2: Sonamarg to Nichnai 

After a three-hour hike, a one-hour descent, and a gentle ascent to Nichnai (6 hours, 9 km) On the Srinagar road, 3 kilometers outside of Sonamarg, the journey begins. At the 3 km point, look to the right for a lone Dhaba. The shop also sells packaged drinks, biscuits, and other snacks, and it’s the last stop for quick bites. Only at the end of the walk, in Naranag, do you come across another sign of habitation civilization. At the shop, a jeep track diverges to the right from the main road. Between the mud track and the main road, the track descends to the level of the Sindh River. The walking trail begins beside the road but soon diverges higher up. The trail swiftly drops to a small creek along the tree line before climbing back up. Following that is a beautiful lush grove of Maple trees. Walking through the Maples on a green bed of grass is a Kashmiri experience unlike any other.

Day 3: Nichnai To Vishansar Lake

The trail swiftly drops to a small creek along the tree line before climbing back up. Following that is a beautiful lush grove of Maple trees. Walking through the Maples on a green bed of grass is a Kashmiri experience unlike any other. The day’s excursion involves a long walk across meadows, with the landscape improving along the way. The Nichnai pass or Vishansar Berry is your first destination for the day. The pass may be seen from a long way away from the campsite. It’s situated next to the twin snow-capped summits. Walk on the left bank for the next hour. As you travel across the meadow, you’ll notice that the trail gradually begins to ascend. The next hour is spent climbing to the pass. You’ll notice a little lake at the foot of the mountains as you rise. The lake is a deep blue color, and you can feel your anticipation for the larger lakes to come on this walk growing. The pass is a ruse. The pass is not visible from the meadow below. Only after the trail curves inwards twice does the Nichnai pass appear. Nichanai is a Nichanai word that means “from the Nichanai. Take in the vista of the peaks, the river below, and the floral meadow from this vantage point. A large waterfall can be seen to your left, cascading down the mountain wall and into the river. The quick slope ends at the waterfall, and you’re now wandering through a level, vast field. The iconic snow-capped Himalayan mountains may be seen on the left, but on the right, greyish and barren mountains resembling the Ladakh ranges can be seen. Between the two ranges, walk through the lovely green blanket of grass.

Day 4: Acclimatization + Rest Day. (Condition Apply)
If the weather is not good we will use acclimatization day at Vishansar or else move towards the next campsite, rest day can be used at the Gangbal campsite.
Day 5: Vishansar lake to Gadsar

The Kishansar lake is the next in the series. Kishansar Lake is about 12 kilometers away and 500 feet higher than Vishansar. At the foot of the Kishansar peak sits the Kishansar lake. From the campsite, it takes about 45 minutes to get to Kishansar Lake. Approach the stream and cross it where it is easiest. On the right side of Vishansar Lake, the trail ascends. There are several tunes on this album. For photographers, the one heading up is more appealing since you get a better perspective of the meadow and the lake from a higher vantage point. Stick to the flatter trails if you prefer a less difficult trail. Kishansar is similarly large and blue. On its right, there is a large meadow. A ridge line that rises high on the far side of the lake and meadow borders it. The trail ascends to the top of the ridge, where the Gadsar pass may be found. Spend time photographing the lake from various views at the Kishansar meadows. The walk continues from the Kishansar Lake side to the ridge’s peak. This is the path you should take. Stick to the one that leads to the top, albeit any of them will get you there. At a reasonable pace, the climb to the top of the ridge takes about an hour and a half.

Day 6: Gadsar to Satsar

After a one-hour gentle descent, a 3.5-hour high rise, and a flat meadow walk, 6 hours, 13 kilometers) Move left from the army camp, towards the stream. The trail ascends the mountain after crossing a brook. The stream is at a height of 10,800 feet. The Satsar camp is nearly 10 kilometers away and located at an elevation of 12,200 feet. The simplest way to trek is to cross the brook. If you truly don’t want to get your feet wet in the extremely cold water, go to the kilometer-long bridge and cross the stream. If one gets to the bridge, the ascent is steeper. Take the trail that leads up the mountain after crossing the stream. You’re only a few feet above the tree line. Below you, you can see trees and the river valley. The hour-and-a-half climb gains you 1200 feet. The ascent becomes a traverse once you reach 11,500 feet in elevation. The trail takes a left turn and exits the river valley. You’re now traveling through a meadow on a flat trail flanked by mountains. A few deep craters can be seen to your right. Maengandob is the name of this location. The scenery ahead is enthralling. In front of you are isolated mountains. A minor ridge may be seen to the right.

Day 7: Satsar to Gangabal twin lakes

The day’s trip travels up and down, mirroring the overall route, which is primarily up and down. To access the largest Satsar lake, hike up about half an hour from camp. The terrain is rocky, so it’s more of a boulder-hopping workout than anything else. The largest and last of the Satsar lakes is located near the end of the sequence. The trail begins to decline after the last lake. Continue on the main trail for another half hour until you see the forest line on your left. A ridgeline around 1100 feet higher on the right side. It’s time to regain your height. You’ll reach the top of the first ridge after a 45-minute hike with few pauses. There are two more ridges to climb once you reach the top. The trail is bleak and rough from the bottom to the top. Look behind you at the opposite mountains and you’ll see the Gujjar huts nestled among the thick pines. The contrast between the bareness of the mountains here and the vegetation on the opposite side is striking. The finest part, though, is the unexpected vista from the ridge top. The two lakes are located next to each other. A stream transports water from the upper to the lower lake. Two additional blue lakes can be seen in the distance on either side if you look closely.

Day 8: Gangabal to Naranag

After a gradual decline, there is a severe descent. On your toes and knees, the day’s trip is brutal. Head down the stream towards the forest line from the Gangabal campground. Instead of walking alongside the stream, take the right-hand ridge. Your Aircel phone might get a few glances of network 30 minutes into the trail, just enough to let home know you’re alive. The ridge comes to an end, and you’ll see a verdant level meadow to your right. When you glance back, the Harmukh Peak is rather magnificent. The green meadow is carpeted with small yellow flowers, and you begin walking slowly to avoid treading on them.

By Air:- If You are planning to fly to Srinagar which will connect you to all airports in India, You can reach the Tourist Reception Center in Srinagar will pick you up from there.

By Train:- If You are planning to come by train to Srinagar. There are two railway stations Jammu Railway Station and Udampur Railway Station.

By Bus:- If a flight is too expensive and a train is full (which it usually is), you can take a bus and arrive at the Tourist Reception Center from ISBT and we will pick you up from there.

1. Accommodation. (guest house, Camping).
2. Meals while on trek (Veg. & Egg).
3. Trek equipment: Sleeping bag, mattress, tent (triple sharing), kitchen & dining tent, toilet tent, utensils and crampon (if required).
4. All necessary permits and entry fees.
5. First aid medical kits and oxygen cylinders.
6. Mountaineering qualified & professional trek Leader, guide, cook, and Support staff.
7. Mules to carry the central luggage.
9. Secure Travels Staff insurance.


1. Food during the transit.
2. Insurance.
3. Any kind of personal expenses.
4. Mules or porters to carry personal luggage.
5. Anything not specifically mentioned under the head.
6. Any kind of emergency evacuation charges.

On the occasion which you cancel your trek, that is the cancellation coverage we follow: –

Cancellation 30 days earlier than the beginning date of the trek 

— Get your complete trek rate returned in our Trek Voucher OR get a financial refund with 15 % cancellation charges. – Cancellation within 30 days and 20 days earlier than the beginning date of the trek

 — Get 80% of the trek rate in a Trek Voucher OR get a financial refund with 50% cancellation charges. 

– Cancellation much less than 20 days earlier than the beginning date of the trek 

— No financial refund

Trekking Gear

1. Ruck sack bag with rain cover. Qty -1
2. Day Pack Bag – Recommended for treks with summit day
3. Head Torch with spare Batteries. Qty -1
4. U V protection sunglasses. Qty -1
5. Water Bottles: 2 bottles of 1 liter each


1. Non-skid, deep treaded, high-ankle trekking shoes Qty -1
2. Pair of light weight Slipper/Sandals Qty -1


1. Quick Dry Warm lower or Track Pants. Qty – 2
2. Full sleeves T-shirts/ Sweatshirts. 1 for every 2 days of trekking
3. Pair of thick woolen socks. 1 pair for every two days of trekking
4. Thermal Body warmer Upper & Lower. Qty-1
5. Undergarments. Qty – 1 for every day of trekking
6. Warm jacket closed at wrist & neck .Qty-1
7. Full sleeves sweater. Qty -1
8. Rain wear ( Jacket & Pants ) . Qty-1
9. Pair of waterproof, warm gloves. Qty-1
10. Woolen cap. Qty-1
11. Sun shielding Hat. Qty -1


1. Personal toiletries kit (Small Towel, Toilet paper, paper soap, Bar soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, cold cream etc.)
2. Sun screen lotion small pack . Qty -1
3. Lip Balm small pack. Qty-1


1. Small size, Light weight & Leak proof lunch box. Qty-1
2. Plate. Qty- 1
3. Spoon.Qty-1
4. Tea/Coffee (plastic) Mug.Qty-1



1. Camera (Optional)
2. Carry your medicines in plenty in case you have any specific ailment. Consult your doctor before joining the trek.
3. Dry fruits, Nuts, Chocolate bars (Optional)

Fitness For Trekking

Tips to get fit for Trekking

Experiencing trek is almost everyone’s passion or dream. But before starting or planning for a hike, you must be aware of the during and post-trek pain of your body. It is essential to be strong enough to enjoy your whole trek without any disruption of body ache. One book or decide several months before going on a hike, so you have a significant amount of time exercising your body and training it to become flexible for the trek.

Following are some advantages of training yourself before trek:

  • It fosters aerobic fitness.
  • It improves blood circulation and breathing functions as well.
  • It makes the heart strong, preventing it from any problem.
  • It helps in toning legs.
  • Muscles get build-up which is very beneficial.

Therefore, one must do practice to gain all these benefits. It is not only for the trek but for lifetime fitness also.
Let’s have a look at some factors which must be kept in mind to practice before trek:

Importance of Stretching

It helps the body become flexible and allows you to move your body in any direction you want quickly. It helps make the joints such as shoulders, elbows, hips and knees stronger to prevent any mishappening. It provides much relaxation to your body and relieves the pain. And if you are going on a trek, it is essential to practice stretching way before your hike. It will help you in moving to the higher altitudes region more efficiently.

Sleep like baby

It is always said that one must sleep like a baby. It means sleep without any worries. This makes you have an adequate amount of sleep which is a significant factor in daily life. So, practice it daily and also before your trek. Try to make yourself comfortable to sleep at higher altitudes.

Good Shoes-Good Trek

It is so evident that one has to walk and only walk while Trekking, so it is far more essential to have a good pair of trekking/hiking shoes. Practice walking by wearing your boots before the trek to make yourself used to them. You may opt for an option to keep an extra pair in your bag while trek to help yourself in the opposite condition.

Altitude is a risk. Before you begin the trek, you should be aware of the effects of high altitude on your body. Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) symptoms include a moderate headache, nausea, and overall discomfort.

Response: If you have any of these symptoms, notify the trek leader immediately and follow his advice. To deal with the scenario, each campsite contains a stretcher, a fully prepared first aid kit, and oxygen cylinders.

Weather Risk: No one can guarantee snow, rain, or sunlight, even if we keep a constant eye on the weather. Please keep in mind that your safety is our primary priority, and if the weather isn’t cooperating, we won’t leave the campsite.

Response: The choice to go or wait for better weather will be made solely by the Trek Leaders and Guides.

Risk: Injury is a possibility. While trekking across difficult terrains, minor injuries such as calf sprains, bruising, and other minor ailments are prevalent. Serious injuries, such as fractures or significant cuts, are quite uncommon.

Response: All of our Trek Leaders are trained in wilderness first aid. They’ve been taught to deal with emergencies and have well-stocked first-aid equipment to deal with minor injuries. In the event of major injuries, the patient is carried to the nearest roadhead on a stretcher and taken to the nearest medical facility.

1. Alcohols or any other intoxicating products ‘’STRICTLY PROHIBITED’’
during the trek.
2. Always pay heed to the trek guides or instructors.
3. Try not to leave the group under any circumstances.
4. Avoid trekking during the night as it is extremely dangerous.
5. Avoid using earphones as that might hinder your hearing.
6. Do not participate in or encourage littering of the places in any form.
7. While visiting the local villages and tourist sites, obey the local guidelines
and instructions.
8. Do not harm or interrupt the local sentiments of the places.

Your safety is of paramount concern while traveling with Secure Travels.
Please note that your leader has the authority to amend or cancel any part of
the itinerary if it is deemed necessary due to safety concerns. Since adventure
entails traveling in remote mountainous regions, we cannot guarantee that we
will not deviate from it. Weather conditions, the health condition of a group
member, unexpected natural disasters, etc., can all contribute to changes in
the itinerary. The leader will try to ensure that the trip runs according to plan,
but please be prepared to be flexible if required.


Kashmir Great Lakes Trek is a moderate to difficult trek. The trek trail is in the Sonamarg area of Kashmir.

Kashmir Great Lake is best done in the months of July/August and early September. These are monsoon months in the rest of India but the other side of Pir Panjal gets much less rain. 

Great Lakes trek of Kashmir is absolutely safe for international as well as domestic tourists. Most important is proper guidance and coordination.

The Kashmir Great Lakes Trek covers the captivating seven lakes, stunning snow-clad mountains, and the beautiful valleys of maples, pine, etc. 

Weather Forecast

The weather during April, May and June is mostly cool and pleasant but gets chilly and cold during winters.

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